Obtaining fast and strong patents with PPH
1. What is Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)?
Suppose you are a patent applicant in
2. Obtaining strong patents with a minimum effort
The accelerated prosecution can provide with foreign patents quickly. But this is not the end of story. The accelerated prosecution also provides synchronized prosecutions all over the world, which leads to the efficient prosecution for applicants.
The synchronized prosecutions provide followings.
Merit 1: Applicant can consider prior arts cited in multiple Patent Offices such as EPO and Japan Patent Office (JPO) in synchronized prosecutions.
Merit 2: Cost or time saving, Applicant does not have to dig out closed or granted file in foreign countries for checking prior arts.
3. Avoiding typical nightmare situation
Typical nightmare is followings.
Step 1: US Applicant obtains a
Step 2: US Applicant start enforcement activities.
Step 3: JPO cites new prior arts jeopardizing the
If you use PPH, you will have an option to use “Reissue” procedure in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 251 by two year dead line for providing flexibility of amendment.
End of Report
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